This book was from the Mawaru Penguindrum TV Series. The first 50 pages were in color. Part 3 (p51) was made up line art. The last section included interview Lily Hoshino, who did the character designs, and Kunihiko Ikuhara, the director. On the book of the book, the following was printed in English: I hate the word "Destiny." / Hey, living a life is a punishment. / Because I believe the "Destiny." / No matter how painful, sad things are, they always have the "Meaning." / Lie... This world is made of all lies. / So much for me, it should be ground soon.../ Anyone cannot stop this "Destiny."

Product number was ISBN978-4-344-82539-0. It was released on 6/30/2012. UPC Bar Code - 9784344825390 and 1920079019002. It was priced at Y1900. The book was 88 pages in total length.
p3 Part ONE Illustration Gallery
p21 Part TWO End Card Collection
p51 Part THREE Character Design
p75 Part FOUR Special Contents
p76 Interview: Hoshino Lily
p86 Special Contribution : Ikuhara Kunihiko
p82 Short Comic
p84 Comment
You can buy it at CD Japan and Amazon Japan.