Sunday, May 30, 2021

Hayate the Combat Butler Character CD 3 NAGI SANZENIN starring Rie Kugimiya

This character CD was from the Hayate the Combat Butler TV Series. Track 2, 4, 5, and 6 were character songs. Track 3 was a drama track. Tracks 7-98 were audio dialogues. Track 11 is a great to use for sound notification, especially on a cell phone. First print came with three band-aids (last image).

Product ID was GNCA-0057. It was published by GENEON ENTERTAINMENT INC. and released on 7/25/2007. UPC Bar Code - 988102 490126. It was priced at Y1260. Total length of the CD was 30:09.

01. Introduction "Nagi no Yabou ~Nidone no Lagrange point~ ni te" 01:26
02. Dame! 03:43
03. Short Drama "Kamisama no Interview - Nagi Hen ~ Nagi, Yakekuso de Mobiru no Maki" 06:17
04. Zo! 02:43
05. Dame! (Original Karaoke) 03:45
06. Zo! (Original Karaoke) 02:45
07. Umu. Nanka Iroiro Iretoku Kara, Omaetachi no Suki ni Tsukau ga Ii (Nagi Hen) 00:09
08. Po-n. Tadaima, Rusu ni Shiteorimasu. Goyou no Aru Kata wa, Hasshinon no Ato ni Message wo Nokosu to Omae no Ie ga Hi no Umi da. 00:11
09. Oi, Asa dazo! Hayaku Okiro. 00:05
10. Mu....... Mou Okiru Jikan ka. Da ga, Kyou wa Nidone da! 00:10
11. You Got Mail! Umu, Mail ga Todoita You da. 00:07
12. Charara~n. Pasokon wo Kidou Suruzo. 00:06
13. Charara~n. Pasokon wo Shuuryou Suruzo. 00:07
14. Yume Passport Premier wo Kidou Shiro. 00:05
15. Sen'you no Browser ga Hitsuyou da. 00:05
16. Naka no Hito, Count Chuu da. 00:05
17. Kono Shouhin ni, Review wo Kaitemiru ka? 00:06
18. Yorokobe. Nannin ka Naka, Nannin ka no Kimi ni, Omae no Review ga Sankou ni Natta You Dazo. 00:06
19. My Xi ni Touroku Suruzo 00:05
20. Oi, Sono Rireki wa Keshiteoke 00:05
21. Oi, Sono Bookmark wa Yameteoke. 00:06
22. Mokutekichi wo Nyuuryoku Suru no da. Tekisetsu na Route wo Hyougen Shite Yarou. 00:07
23. Sono Michi wa Tadaima Juutai da. 00:05
24. G Code wo Nyuuryoku se yo! 00:05
25. 2011 Nen de, Analog Shuuryou da! 00:06
26. Kore kara wa, Beta no Jidai. 00:06
27. Umu. Me no Tsuke Dokoro ga, Sha Da na. 00:06
28. Onon Bou Ya ga, Mirai o Hakobu! 00:05
29. Memory Card no Youryou ga Taranzo. Aki Block ga Hitsuyou da. 00:07
30. Visual Memori ga Sasatte oran. 00:05
31. Game wa Ichinichi, Nijuugo (25) Jikan Made! 00:05
32. Amazon kara no Otodokemono Dazo. 00:05
33. Sono Gifuto Ken wa, Mou Kigengire da. 00:06
34. Shiharai wa Card de Yoi ka? 00:05
35. Tsuri wa Iran. Totteoke. 00:05
36. Oi, Sorosoro Dekakeru Jikan Dazo. 00:05
37. Wasuremono wa Nai Ka? 00:04
38. Sagashi Moe wa Koko Dazo! 00:05
39. Hakusen no Uchigawa ni Sagare! 00:05
40. Yurikamome no Noriba wa, Acchi da. 00:05
41. Ganbare, Mou Sukoshi no Shinbou da. Hora, Retsu ga Mae ni Susundazo. 00:08
42. Ochitsuke. Mazu wa Catalogue de, Meate no Booth wo Check Shinaosu no da. 00:08
43. Ano.... Suman ga Chotto, Shashin wo Ichimai. 00:07
44. Sou, Sono Pose de! 00:05
45. Arigatou. De wa Mata, Natsu ni Aou! 00:06
46. Arigatou. De wa Mata, Fuyu ni Aou! 00:07
47. Soto wa Tsukareru na. Mou Kaerou ka. 00:07
48. Tadaima! Ima, Kaettazo. 00:06
49. Oi. Kutsu wo Nugashitekure. 00:05
50. Oi. Ocha wo Iretekure. 00:05
51. Oi. Kuchi no Mawari ni Hachimitsu ga Tsuiteshimatta. Nuguite Kure. 00:07
52. Umu. Neruneru Jerajera Shite Yarou. 00:06
53. Nani wo iu! Sukikirai wa, Jinrui no Touzen no Kenri da! 00:07
54. Oi, Are no Rokuga Yoyaku wa Shitaka? Wasureru na! 00:07
55. Hard Disk ga Ippai da. Miru Tsumori ga Nai no Nara, Kiete Shimae. 00:07
56. Umu. Hataraitara Makekana, to Omotteiru. 00:07
57. Kyou koso wa, Maningen ni Umarekawaru no da! 00:06
58. Oyasumi. Mata Ashita na. 00:06
59. Umu. Ganbaru no dazo! 00:05
60. Umu, Daijoubu da. Watashi ga Tsuiteiru. 00:06
61. Omedetou! Kyou wa Futarikkiri de Oiwai Suruzo! 00:07
62. Watashi no Shitsuji ni Naranai ka? 00:05
63. Urusai Urusai Urusa-i! 00:05
64. Ba-ka Ba-ka! 00:04
65. Suteki na Hitotoki wo, Goissho Suruzo. 00:06
66. Denpa Koukan! 00:04
67. Ma-ke U-! 00:05
68. Metamorpho-! 00:05
69. Ganba- Final Ataa~! 00:05
70. Bakuretsu! Shining Fin! 00:06
71. Bungaku Rekishi no 10! 00:04
72. Kangaechuu . Kangaechuu...... . 00:05
73. Open the Price! 00:04
74. Taiki 00:04
75. Daisuke 00:04
76. Takaaki 00:04
77. Takashi 00:07
78. Takuya 00:04
79. Tadayuki 00:04
80. Chiaki 00:06
81. Chikayuki 00:06
82. Chihiro 00:06
83. Tsukasa 00:05
84. Tsugunobu 00:06
85. Tsutomu 00:05
86. Tsuneaki 00:05
87. Tsubasa 00:04
88. Tsuyoshi 00:05
89. Tetsuya 00:04
90. Teppei 00:05
91. Teruaki 00:06
92. Teruhiko 00:05
93. Tooru 00:05
94. Tokuhide 00:06
95. Toshihiko 00:04
96. Tony 00:04
97. Tomoaki 00:06
98. Konkai no Keyword 00:04

You can find more info at CD Japan.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Fairy Tail -MASAYUME CHASING- [Limited Edition]

This CD was from the Fairy Tail TV Series. Track 1 was the 15th opening song which aired during episodes 176-188. Its hard to tell from the scan but the cover is a 3D image. The second image was from the back of the case.

Product ID was AVCK-79204. It was published by avex marketing and released on 7/23/2014. UPC Bar Code - 988064 792047. It was priced at Y1000. Total length of the CD was 15:32.

02. FUN 04:05
04. FUN (INST) 04:05

You can buy it at CD Japan and Amazon Japan.

Sunday, May 16, 2021


This was the soundtrack the Summer Days Visual Novel. It was a prequel to School Days but set an alternative universe. Track 1 was the opening song.

Product ID was LACA-5534. It was published by Lantis and released on 6/23/2006. UPC Bar Code - 540774 505340. It was priced at Y3000. Total length of the CD was 69:02.

01. SummerDays (YURIA) 04:20
02. Dandelion Cotton Hat (yozuca*) 04:16
03. A Story That Begins at the Sea (Minami Kuribayashi) 05:36
04. It Clears Up After Cloudy Weather 01:45
05. One summer day 01:56
06. One summer day ~waiting for your call~ 01:24
07. Sands of Twilight 01:49
08. Good Night 01:50
09. The accent on life 01:29
10. It's show time! 01:30
11. Festival Music 01:19
12. Grove of the Village Shrine 02:03
13. OBK Coming to Town 01:23
14. Until the Day We Meet 02:24
15. IAI Spirit 01:33
16. Road to Hope 02:13
17. Saboritai! 02:06
18. Self-Righteousness 01:40
19. Refuse 01:56
20. As close as possible 02:43
21. While Drifting... 02:12
22. In the Midst of Fumbling 02:30
23. Sweet Kiss 01:33
24. Surely Someday... 01:40
25. Time of Trial 01:59
26. And Before 01:55
27. SummerDays ~piano arrange~ 01:52
28. SummerDays ~music box arrange~ 01:52
29. Knife or saw? part II 02:09
30. Knife or saw? part II ~Introduce~ 01:49
31. Promise ~girlhood's end~ (Kanako Ito) 04:16

You can buy it at CD Japan and Amazon Japan.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Legend of Galactic Heroes Theme Collection

This CD was the Legend of Galactic Heroes OVA Series. Track 1 was the second opening theme and Track 2 was the second ending theme. Track 5 was the first opening song and Track 6 was the second ending song.

Product ID was KTCR-1111. It was published by Kitty Records and released on 7/25/1991. UPC Bar Code - 988031 007334.  It was priced at Y3000. Total length of the CD was 34:55.

01. I Am Waiting For You (Michiru Akiyoshi) 04:06
02. Prelude of Departure (Kei Ogura) 03:16
03. Hymn of the Allies ~ Flag of Freedom · Nation of Freedom, Revolution of the Heart 03:19
04. Military Music of the Imperial Army ~ Valkyries Love Thy Bravery 02:00
05. SKIES OF LOVE (Michiru Akiyoshi) 03:42
06. Cross the Bridge of Light (Kei Ogura) 03:45
07. SKIES OF LOVE (Orchestration Version) 03:40
08. Cross the Bridge of Light (Orchestration Version) 03:45
09. I AM WAITING FOR YOU (Orchestration Version) 04:06
10. Prelude of Departure (Orchestration Version) 03:11

You can buy it at CD Japan and Amazon Japan.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Kanon Nakagawa starring Nao Toyama -Birth [Limited Edition][LP Size]

This CD Album originated from The World God Only Knows TV Series. Kanon Nakagawa (voiced by Nao Toyama) was an idol singer in the series. This was her first album. This limited edition version came in a LP Size case. The CD was on a single cardboard disc shaped the size of a LP (third image). Each copy were numbered. This one was numbered 1883.

Product ID was GNCA-1393. It was published by GENEON UNIVERSAL and released on 10/30/2013. UPC Bar Code - 4988102190309. It was priced at Y3150. Total length of the CD was 36:46.

01. Date of Birth 1:40
02. LOVE KANON 3:20
03. YES-TODAY 4:32
04. ALL 4 YOU 4:10
05. Urahalove 4:03
06. Happy Crescent 3:41
07. Omoi wa Rain Rain 4:11
08. Love Call 4:57
09. Darling Baby 4:32
10. Birth 1:40

You can find more info at CD Japan and buy it at Amazon Japan.